Stephen Skye, Museum Historian, Speaks about “Why the Goshen Militia Rushed to the Rescue and was devastated at the Battle of Minisink” on Wednesday, October 7th, 2015 at 7:30 pm
Join us for our seventh and last installment in 2015 of NVM’s History Lecture Series with Neversink Valley Museum Historian Stephen Skye, at the D & H Canal Park Visitor’s Center, 58 Hoag Road, (just off Route 209) Cuddebackville, NY. Suggested donation is $5.00. Light refreshments will be served.
To this day the question remains as to why Joseph Brant and his force were operating in the Minisink area in July 1779. There is also a question as to why the American militia scrambled after Brant instead of waiting for Washington’s regular troops. Since the Americans were low on ammunition and were outnumber by Brant’s force, why did they rush so quickly to battle? Steve Skye has taken a look at life on the frontier during the 18th century and offers a fresh look at the reasons behind the Battle of Minisink Ford.
Mr. Skye is the Museum Historian at the Neversink Valley Museum, and has presented papers at the Canal Society of New York State’s Winter Symposium and at the World Canals Conference. Mr. Skye has also written extensively on the D&H Canal and American industrial history.
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